'Get Pretty Soon'
A modern woman who is in the middle of her daily routine,
making herself look beautiful to fulfill the social expectation.
making herself look beautiful to fulfill the social expectation.
Each balloon 8W 4D 8H inch / 20W 10D 620H cm, Mold-blown glass, cast glass, mixed media, 2016
Each balloon 14D 14D 10H inch / 35W 35D 25H cm, Cast glass, metal chains, 2015
‘Keep Calm and Treasure Your Inner Beauty’
Represents the emotional inner conflicts between chasing artificial ideals
of beauty and cherishing inner beauty. Women are under pressure from society
and make themselves look beautiful to fulfill the social expectation. They eventually
end up turning to materialistic goods. This woman, however, is just letting it go
and reflecting on how she defines herself without personal belongings.
of beauty and cherishing inner beauty. Women are under pressure from society
and make themselves look beautiful to fulfill the social expectation. They eventually
end up turning to materialistic goods. This woman, however, is just letting it go
and reflecting on how she defines herself without personal belongings.
Each balloon 3.5W 2D 3.5H inch / 9W 5D 9H cm, Glass, Cast, Screen-printed, Kilnformed, 2016
Wall panels
Through the satirical use of ordinary female items as a metaphor
for female beauty in my work, my intent is to focus on how personal identity
develops in this era where beauty ideals are constructed and also how we define ourselves.
for female beauty in my work, my intent is to focus on how personal identity
develops in this era where beauty ideals are constructed and also how we define ourselves.