Hyesook Choi is a contemporary artist, currently working in Seoul, South Korea. After receiving her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Ceramics and Glass from Hongik University and Master of Fine Arts from Hongik University she moved to the United State. Choi earned her 2nd Master of Fine Arts in Glass from Rochester Institute of Technology in NY.
She has been awarded a finalist from Emerge 2016 and Tg: Transitions in Kiln-Glass 2022 Bullseye Projects in OR, USA. Her work has been featured in exhibitions internationally.
It is also included in New Glass Review 41, publication of The Corning Museum of Glass.
She is currently as adjunct professor at Hongik University Graduate School in Seoul. Recently, her 9th solo exhibition has been held at Gallery Sklo in Seoul.
Hyesook Choi
Studio NINACHOI, Seoul
Contact [email protected]
pursuing a Ph.D in Glass & Ceramics, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
홍익대학교 대학원 디자인공예학과 박사과정 중
Master of Fine Art in Glass, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester NY, USA
미국 로체스터공과대학교 School for American Crafts, 유리전공 미술학 석사(M.F.A)
Master of Fine Art in Glass, Hongik University Graduate School, Seoul, Korea
홍익대학교 대학원 도예유리과 미술학 석사(M.F.A)
Bachelor of Fine Art in Ceramics & Glass, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
홍익대학교 미술대학 도예유리과 미술 학사(B.F.A)
Non-degree Education
2016 Photo Sandblasting (Denise Stillwaggon Leone), Summer Class, Corning Museum of glass, NY, USA
2016 Stainedglass & Screenprinting (Joseph Cavalieri), Summer Class, Pittsburgh Glass Center, PA, USA
2016 Flameworking (Cedric Ginart, Karina Guevin), Summer Class, Pilchuck Glass School, OR, USA
2015 Pate de verre (Saman Kalantari), Summer Class, Corning Museum of Glass, NY, USA
2014 Glass Casting (Joanna Manousis), Summer Class, Corning Museum of Glass, NY, USA
2012 Flameworking (Loren Stump), Summer Class, Corning Museum of Glass, NY, USA
2011 Kilnforming, Summer Workshop, Bullseye Resource Center, Portland, OR, USA
2007 Kilnforming, Summer Workshop, Namseoul University, Korea
Professional Experience
2024- Lecturer, Ceramics dept., Dankook University, Korea
2024(2018-) Adjunct Professor, Ceramics & Glass Design dept., Hongik University Graduate School of Industrial Arts, Seoul, Korea
2024 Special Lecture, 'Glass Kilnforming-pate de verre', Craft dept., Cheongju University, Cheongju, Korea
2023 Lecturer, Namseoul University Industry-University Collaboration Makers Space, Cheonan, Korea
2018 Lecturer, Ceramics & Glass Design dept., Hongik University Graduate School of of Industrial Arts, Seoul, Korea
2018 ‘Higs’ Talk’ Lecture, Hongik University Graduate School of of Industrial Arts, DDP Seoul, Korea
2017 Special lecture, 'Paper thin glass’, Living Architecture Glass dept., Kookmin Graduate School of Design, Seoul, Korea
2017(2016-) Lecturer, Studio 34 Creative Ats & Learning, Rochester NY, USA
2016 Special lecture, ‘Imagery on glass’, Glass dept., Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
2016(2014-) Teaching Assistant Position, Glass dept., Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester NY, USA
Awards / Grants / Scholarships
-Young Artist Prize, Korea Crafts Council, Korea
한국공예가협회 2024 젊은작가상 수상
-Highly commended, The Glass Prize 2023, Warm Glass UK
-Selected, International Biennale of Glass, Sofia, Bulgaria
2023 - 2025
-Sponsorship of the Enterprise, Shinsegae Duty Free Shop & Korea Mecenat Association
한국메세나협회 & 신세계면세점 '1기업 1미술작가 후원사업' 선정
2023 - 2025
-Grant for Exclusive Artist, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism & Korea Arts Managament Service, South Korea
전속작가제 지원사업 선정, 문화체육관광부 & 예술경영지원센터
-Finalist, Tg: Transitions in Kiln-Glass, Bullseye Glass Co.'s biennial juried competition, USA
-Grant for Exclusive Artist, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism & Korea Arts Managament Service, South Korea
전속작가제 지원사업 선정, 문화체육관광부 & 예술경영지원센터
-홍익대학교 표창장 우수교원 선정
-New Glass Review 41 selected, Corning Museum of Glass, USA
-전통문화창의명품육성사업 협업작가 선정 (주최/주관. 문화체육관광부/한국전통문화전당)
-우수공예품지정제도 신규상품선정 (주최/주관. 문화체육관광부/한국공예디자인문화진흥원)
-공예디자인스타상품개발 기획공모 수상 (주최/주관. 문화체육관광부/한국공예디자인문화진흥원)
-Finalist, Art kudos International juried Art Competition & Exhibition, USA
-서울디자인재단 서울공예상 공모전 특선
-Honorable mention, A national juried exhibition of ‘Small works 2016', Main street arts gallery, NY, USA
-Finalist, Emerge 2016 Bullseye Project, OR, USA
-Half Scholarship Recipient, Corning Museum of Glass, NY, USA
-Half Scholarship Recipient, Pittsburgh Glass Center, PA, USA
-Half Scholarship Recipient, Pilchuck Glass School, WA, USA
-Selected Work, Featured in 3rd Juried Digital Catalogue, GAS Int'l Online Student Exhibition
-Finalist in Student, NICHE Awards
-Full Scholarship RIT recipient, Corning Museum of Glass, NY, USA
-Finalist in Student, NICHE Awards
-Full Scholarship Recipient, Corning Museum of Glass, NY, USA
-Half Scholarship Recipient, Pittsburgh Glass Center, PA, USA
-Award for Artist of the year in Craft Trend Fair, Korea Craft & Design Foundation, Korea
-공예트렌드페어(Craft Trend Fair):올해의 작가_한국공예디자인문화진흥원 원장상
-Second Prize, The 8th Haengju Craft & Design Award, South Korea
-제17회 행주공예디자인대전: 우수상
-Participation award, The 1st Gyeonggi Int'l CERAMIX Biennale Glass Sculpture Contest, Korea
제6회 경기도 세계도자비엔날래 세라믹스 유리조형 공모전: 장려상
-Honorable Mentions, The 7th Cheongju International Craft Competition, Korea
-Second Prize in Craft field, The 29th Korea Art Competition, Korea
제29회 대한민국미술대전: 우수상
-Gold Prize, Bell Art & Design Award, Korea
제1회 Bell Art & Design Award: 금상
-Honorable Mentions, Cheongju Craft & Cultural Goods Competition, Korea
-Silver Prize, The 5th Cheongju International Craft Competition, Korea
제5회 청주국제공예비엔날레: 은상
-Special Prize, The 8th Korea Craft Competition, Korea
제8회 익산 한국공예대전: 특별상
-Present of University Prize, Hongik University, Korea
홍익대학교 총장상 표창
Solo Exhibitions
2024 Shinsegae Duty Free 신세계면세점 본점, Seoul
2022 'An Archive of 21st Century Beauty', Gallery Sklo, Seoul
2021 'Treasure Your Inner Beauty', Crafts On The Hill Gallery, Seoul
2020 ‘Another Materiality of glass’, KCDF Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2019 'A Relic of The Early 21st Century', KCDF Window Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2018 'How would you define yourself?' 압구정 Black Tom n Toms Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2017 'Fill the glass', 아름다운차박물관, Seoul, Korea
2017 ‘Get Pretty’, 갤러리이즈, Seoul, Korea
2016 ‘Get Pretty’, Dyer Art Center, Rochester, NY, USA
2010 ‘Emerging Artist from Topos’, 토포하우스갤러리, Seoul, Korea
Selected group Exhibitions
- <Ready Made>, Hongik Museum of Art, Seoul
- KIAF(Korea Int’l Art Fair), Gallery Sklo, Coex hall, Seoul
- <CONNECTED: The Language of Objects>, Gallery Sklo, Seoul
- <Black May>, Hohojae, Seoul
- Galleries Art Fair, Coex hall, Seoul
- COLLECT Art Fair, Somerset House, London, UK
- <The Great Gatsby 위대한 개츠비>, K현대미술관, Seoul
- <한국 현대 공예의 어제와 오늘> (사)한국공예가협회 창립50주년, 예술의 전당 한가람미술관, Seoul
- International Art & Design Exhibition, Chungju Univ. Chungseok Gallery, Chungju
- KIAF(Korea Int’l Art Fair), Gallery Sklo, Coex hall, Seoul
- Dialogue 2023 우수 전속작가제 - 차세대 유망작가 기획전시, Sungsu Plantlance showroom, Seoul
- Galleries Art Fair, Coex hall, Seoul
- Bullseye projects <Tg: Transitions in Kiln-Glass>, Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, TX, USA
- COLLECT Art Fair, London, UK
- Bullseye projects <Tg: Transitions in Kiln-Glass>, Pittsburgh Glass Center, PA, USA
- Craft Trend Fair, 브랜드관-홍유, Coex hall, Seoul
- KIAF(Korea International Art Fair), Coex hall, Seoul
- <Expanding Horizons> International Festival of Glass, Glasshouse Arts and Heritage Centre, UK
- <Breaking Boundaries>, Gallery Sklo, Seoul
- Galleries Art Fair 화랑미술제, Setec, Seoul
- Bullseye projects <Tg: Transitions in Kiln-Glass>, Bellevue Arts Museum, WA, USA
- COLLECT Art Fair, London, UK / Online at Artsy.net
- <The Human Spirit: Propositions on Resilience in these Irregular Times: a virtual Indo-Korean Ceramic and Glass exhibition>, Inko centre, Chennai, India
- <Craft.Design Studio>, International Art & Design Exhibition (사)한국조형디자인협회 국제조형디자인전, Seoul
- Craft Trend Fair, 브랜드관-홍유, Coex hall, Seoul
- KIAF(Korea International Art Fair), Coex hall, Seoul
- <한국현대공예청년작가전 공예주간> (주최/주관. 문체부/KCDF,한국공예가협회), Apollon gallery, Gyeonggi-do
- Glass Art Society(GAS) conference GAS member exhibition CONNECTIONS, USA
- The 39th Galleries Art Fair 화랑미술제, Coex hall-c, Seoul
- Craft Trend Fair, 브랜드관-홍유, Coex hall, Seoul
- <From matter To object>, BKID, Seoul
- <Glass Flex>, Gallery Sklo, Seoul
- <Evolution in Korean Contemporary Glass 2020>, Shinsegae department, Chungcheong
- Craft Trend Fair, 한국전통문화전당부스관, Coex Hall, Seoul, Korea
- 'R & living, Gallery Royal, Seoul, Korea
- 'Future by hands’, Int’l Symposium Art&Design Invitation Exhibition, Ewha University, Seoul, Korea
- 전통문화창의명품육성사업 '혼수' Preview-2, KCDF Gallery 2F, Seoul, Korea (주최/주관. 문화체육관광부/한국전통문화전당)
- 전통문화창의명품육성사업 '혼수' Preview-1, 전주공예품전시관 전시2관, Jeonju, Korea (주최/주관. 문화체육관광부/한국전통문화전당)
- '2019 Becoming a Collector', 연희동 Art Fair, 카페보스토크, Seoul, Korea
- 'Meet the hot glass', 한국공예관, Cheongju, Korea
- ‘삼척시 도계유리나라 개관 2주년 특별전’, 도계유리나라, Gangwon-do, Korea
- ‘2019 Contemporary Crasign invitation Exhibition’, Hyundae museum in Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Material World’, Hodge gallery, Pittsburgh Glass Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- 'Similarity and Difference’, Int'l Art & Design Invitation Exhibition, Burapha University, Thailand
- 홍익대학교 일반대학원 도예과 동문회전 ‘Missing Link’, Hongik University Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
- '本전', 서울디자인재단 마포공예지원센터 전시관, sangsu-dong, Seoul, Korea
- Craft Trend Fair, 기획전시관, 삼성동 Coex Hall, Seoul, Korea
- The Korea Association of Art&Design ‘Int’l Symposium Art&Design Invitation Exhibition, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
- '工藝-興_The 45th Korean Craft Council Exhibition, 금보성아트센터, Seoul, Korea
- 'Glass Tableware Exhibition_유리그릇전', 한향림 갤러리, 경기도 헤이리, Korea
- 'Glass with Ceramics' Korea-Japan Exchange CeraMIX Workshop, 이천세라믹스창조공방, Korea
- 홍익대학교 도예유리과 동문전시 '도작가', I-ang gallery, Seoul, Korea
- 'Glass House', 한국공예디자인문화진흥원 KCDF, Seoul, Korea
- 인사아트프라자갤러리공모전, Insa art plaza gallery, 인사동, Seoul, Korea
- 홍익대학교 일반대학원 동문전시 Missing link, 홍익대학교 현대미술관, Seoul, Korea
- Craft Trend Fair, 브랜드관-홍유, Coex Hall-A, Seoul, Korea
- The Korea Association of Art & Design Int'l Art & Design Invitation Exhibition, 남서울대학교 지식정보관, Cheonan, Korea
- 메종&오브제 파리 (Maison & Objet Paris), Paris Nord-Villepinte, Paris, France
- 'Elephant Art Fair (Art & Goods), 상수동, Seoul, Korea
- 서울디자인재단 공예박람회 '은밀한 공예'-서울공예상공모전 수상전시, DDP 알림터, Seoul, Korea
- 제44회 한국공예가협회전 <동행 (同行)-합(合), 금보성아트센터 전관, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Artkudos 2017’, International Juried Art Competition and Exhibition, USA
- ‘Art in Craft Media 2017’, Burchfield Penney Art Center, SUNY Buffalo State, NY, USA
- ‘The Glass A to Z’, 퍼스트아이콘 gallery booth, Handmade Korea, COEX Hall, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Fashion of Craft_패션오브크라프트’, DDP(Dongdaemoon Design Plaza) 살림터 1F, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Glass Craft_유리공예전’, 산울림art & craft gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Fragile Fashion’ gallery exhibition, Glass Axis gallery, Columbus, OH, USA
- A national juried exhibition of ‘Small works 2016', Main street arts gallery, Clifton Springs, NY, USA
- '7th annual WLAS, open house', Studio 34 creative arts and gallery, Rochester, NY, USA
- ‘Emerge/Evolve 2016’, Bullseye Project, Portland, OR, USA
- ‘FORCES AT WORK’, Gallery r, Rochester, NY, USA
- ‘Annual School for American Crafts Walkthrough’, RIT, Rochester, NY, USA
- GAS (Glass Art Society) International Student Exhibition, Corning, NY, USA
- ‘DELVING IN: Research, Scholarship & Creativity’, Gallery r, Rochester, NY, USA
- ‘NICHE AWARDS’, Washington DC, USA
- ‘2015 International Student Online Exhibition’, Featured in Juried Digital Catalogue of Glass Art Society, WA, USA
- ‘ART in CRAFT MEDIA 2015’, Burchfield Penny Art Center, Buffalo, NY, USA
- ‘Annual School for American Crafts Walkthrough’, Booth hall, Bldg 7A, RIT, Rochester, NY, USA
- ‘INVISIBILIA’, 1975 Gallery, Rochester, NY, USA
- 'Great Expectations', Gallery r, Rochester, NY, USA
- ‘Annual School for American Crafts Walkthrough’, Booth hall, Bldg 7A, RIT, Rochester, NY, USA
- GAS (Glass Art Society) ) International Student Exhibition, Chicago, IL, USA
- 3rd Annual Juried Graduate Student Exhibition ‘Convergence 2014’, University Gallery, Rochester, NY, USA
- ‘Korea Contemporary Glass Exhibition’, Daebu-do Glass Island, Gyeonggido, Korea
- 'International Ceramics & Glass by 44 Artists', Maga museum, Gyeonggido, Korea
- ‘Adieu 2011 special project Exhibition-Dream Light 7’, R.MUTT Gallery cafe, Chuncheon MBC, Korea
- ‘The 38th Korea Craft Council’, Cheongju Cultural Industry Park 1F, Convention Hall, Cheongju, Korea
- ‘The 7th Cheongju Craft&Cultural Goods Competition Exhibit-유용지물(有用之物)’, Cheongju, Korea
- ‘1st Gyeong-gi Int'l CERAMIX Biennale Glass Sculpture Contest Exhibit’, Icheon, Gyeonggido, Korea
- ‘Glassware’, Yido Gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘The 1st Art Glass invitation Exhibit’, Gallery Chapeaux, JeonJu, Korea
- ‘The Glass Art Society international exhibition’, Sheraton Hotel, Seattle, USA
- ‘手作傑多_Colorful Designs’, Design The Gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Contemporary Living Arts Exhibition’, Cola gallery, Seoul, Korea
- The 37th Korean Craft Council ‘만듦에 관한 素考(소고)’, Hanjeon gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Cheongju Craft & Cultural Goods Competition’, Cheongju, Korea
- ‘Where the Glass Breathe’, i-yang gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘The 29th Society of Contemporary Craft Artists’, i-yang gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Glass Festival’, Mokkumto gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘LOVE+ in the passage’, Hyundae Depart., gallery H, Seoul, Korea
- ‘GlasswareⅡ-Multi Color Stripe’, Yido gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘투명한 정원’, Only Art & Craft gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Thousand Ornaments’, Nefspace, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Cheongju Int’l Craft Biennale Craft Project’, Shinyoung gwellcity Culture Museum, Cheongju, Korea
- ‘Asia new generation communion exhibition’, Aichi, Ceramic museum, Japan
- ‘Twinkle Twinkle Exhibition’, Tong-in Gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Craft trend fair Life Art Exhibition Lighting’, COEX Hall, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Ceramic & Glass Exhibition, Hong-ik University Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Crafty Arty Party!’, Korea Craft Promotion Foundation, Seoul, Korea
- Exhibition, KT&G Sangsang madang Art Square, Seoul, Korea
- Ceramic & Glass Exhibition, Gallery i-yang, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Craft Fair’, BMH design gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Furniture Fair’, BMH design gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘manymini funstore’, Gana Art Space, Insa-dong, Seoul, Korea
- Ceramic & Glass Exhibition, Hong-ik University Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
- ‘1,000 Glass Cups’ 2007 International Craft Trend Fair, COEX, Seoul, Korea
- ‘We need more-Light, craft, furniture’, KT&G Sangsang madang Art Square, Seoul, Korea
- ‘光(Light) Glass works’, Vit gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Supermarket’ Craft Exhibition, BMH design gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Light of shadow project 2007’ Light Exhibition, BMH design gallery, Seoul, Korea
- 'Love Korean Crafts', Shinhan Investment Corp., Yeouido, Seoul, Korea
Craft Trend Fair/solo booth 창작공방관 참가
2011 Craft Trend Fair- Creator 100, Coex Hall, Seoul, Korea
2010 Craft Trend Fair- Creator 100, Coex Hall, Seoul, Korea
2009 Craft Trend Fair- Creator 100, Coex Hall, Seoul, Korea
Master's thesis 석사논문
2016 Glass department. Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, USA
2009 Ceramics and Glass department. Graduate School of Hongik University, Seoul
Scholarly Paper 논문
2023 학술등재지 조형디자인연구 26-3_유리의 불투명성을 활용한 유리조형 연구 / 논문게재
2020 학술등재지 조형디자인연구 23-2_유리 가마성형기법을 활용한 잔 디자인연구 / 논문게재
2019 (사)한국조형디자인협회 2019 국제학술대회_손으로 미래읽기 Future by hands / 학술논문발표
2017 (사)한국조형디자인협회 2017 국제학술대회_21세기의 Makers movement / 학술논문발표
2012 (사)한국조형디자인협회 2012 춘계학술대회_조형디자인 작품논문 활성화 방안 / 학술논문발표
2010 (사)한국조형디자인협회 2010 추계학술대회_컨버전스시대의 문화산업과 조형디자인 / 학술논문발표
2024 하이트진로 & 홍익대학교 산업미술대학원 산학협력사업 선임연구원 (하이트진로 브랜드디자인 개발연구)
2023 하이트진로 & 홍익대학교 산업미술대학원 산학협력사업 선임연구원 (하이트진로 브랜드디자인 개발연구)
2022 하이트진로 & 홍익대학교 산업미술대학원 산학협력사업 선임연구원 (하이트진로 브랜드디자인 개발연구)
2021 하이트진로 & 홍익대학교 산업미술대학원 산학협력사업 선임연구원 (하이트진로 브랜드디자인 개발연구)
2020 하이트진로 & 홍익대학교 산업미술대학원 산학협력사업 선임연구원 (하이트진로 브랜드디자인 개발연구)
2018 한국공예디자인문화진흥원 & 홍익대학교 산학협력사업 행정실무 (대학생 대상 공예디자인교육)
2011 삼성전자 & 홍익대학교 산학협력사업 보조연구원 (전자제품의 유리장식물 디자인을 위한 Art Glass 선행연구)
Certificate of Design Registration
2020 디자인등록 음료용 잔 garanggarang 3steps shotglass
Glass Art Society membership
The Korea Association of Art & Design (사)한국조형디자인협회 이사/ 대외협력위원
Korean Crafts Council (사)한국공예가협회 정회원
Ruskin Glass Collection, UK
Total Museum, Seoul, Korea
Cheongju Int'l Craft Biennale, Cheongju, Korea
Dogye Glass World, Samcheok, Korea
Studio NINACHOI, Seoul
Contact [email protected]
pursuing a Ph.D in Glass & Ceramics, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
홍익대학교 대학원 디자인공예학과 박사과정 중
Master of Fine Art in Glass, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester NY, USA
미국 로체스터공과대학교 School for American Crafts, 유리전공 미술학 석사(M.F.A)
Master of Fine Art in Glass, Hongik University Graduate School, Seoul, Korea
홍익대학교 대학원 도예유리과 미술학 석사(M.F.A)
Bachelor of Fine Art in Ceramics & Glass, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
홍익대학교 미술대학 도예유리과 미술 학사(B.F.A)
Non-degree Education
2016 Photo Sandblasting (Denise Stillwaggon Leone), Summer Class, Corning Museum of glass, NY, USA
2016 Stainedglass & Screenprinting (Joseph Cavalieri), Summer Class, Pittsburgh Glass Center, PA, USA
2016 Flameworking (Cedric Ginart, Karina Guevin), Summer Class, Pilchuck Glass School, OR, USA
2015 Pate de verre (Saman Kalantari), Summer Class, Corning Museum of Glass, NY, USA
2014 Glass Casting (Joanna Manousis), Summer Class, Corning Museum of Glass, NY, USA
2012 Flameworking (Loren Stump), Summer Class, Corning Museum of Glass, NY, USA
2011 Kilnforming, Summer Workshop, Bullseye Resource Center, Portland, OR, USA
2007 Kilnforming, Summer Workshop, Namseoul University, Korea
Professional Experience
2024- Lecturer, Ceramics dept., Dankook University, Korea
2024(2018-) Adjunct Professor, Ceramics & Glass Design dept., Hongik University Graduate School of Industrial Arts, Seoul, Korea
2024 Special Lecture, 'Glass Kilnforming-pate de verre', Craft dept., Cheongju University, Cheongju, Korea
2023 Lecturer, Namseoul University Industry-University Collaboration Makers Space, Cheonan, Korea
2018 Lecturer, Ceramics & Glass Design dept., Hongik University Graduate School of of Industrial Arts, Seoul, Korea
2018 ‘Higs’ Talk’ Lecture, Hongik University Graduate School of of Industrial Arts, DDP Seoul, Korea
2017 Special lecture, 'Paper thin glass’, Living Architecture Glass dept., Kookmin Graduate School of Design, Seoul, Korea
2017(2016-) Lecturer, Studio 34 Creative Ats & Learning, Rochester NY, USA
2016 Special lecture, ‘Imagery on glass’, Glass dept., Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
2016(2014-) Teaching Assistant Position, Glass dept., Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester NY, USA
Awards / Grants / Scholarships
-Young Artist Prize, Korea Crafts Council, Korea
한국공예가협회 2024 젊은작가상 수상
-Highly commended, The Glass Prize 2023, Warm Glass UK
-Selected, International Biennale of Glass, Sofia, Bulgaria
2023 - 2025
-Sponsorship of the Enterprise, Shinsegae Duty Free Shop & Korea Mecenat Association
한국메세나협회 & 신세계면세점 '1기업 1미술작가 후원사업' 선정
2023 - 2025
-Grant for Exclusive Artist, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism & Korea Arts Managament Service, South Korea
전속작가제 지원사업 선정, 문화체육관광부 & 예술경영지원센터
-Finalist, Tg: Transitions in Kiln-Glass, Bullseye Glass Co.'s biennial juried competition, USA
-Grant for Exclusive Artist, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism & Korea Arts Managament Service, South Korea
전속작가제 지원사업 선정, 문화체육관광부 & 예술경영지원센터
-홍익대학교 표창장 우수교원 선정
-New Glass Review 41 selected, Corning Museum of Glass, USA
-전통문화창의명품육성사업 협업작가 선정 (주최/주관. 문화체육관광부/한국전통문화전당)
-우수공예품지정제도 신규상품선정 (주최/주관. 문화체육관광부/한국공예디자인문화진흥원)
-공예디자인스타상품개발 기획공모 수상 (주최/주관. 문화체육관광부/한국공예디자인문화진흥원)
-Finalist, Art kudos International juried Art Competition & Exhibition, USA
-서울디자인재단 서울공예상 공모전 특선
-Honorable mention, A national juried exhibition of ‘Small works 2016', Main street arts gallery, NY, USA
-Finalist, Emerge 2016 Bullseye Project, OR, USA
-Half Scholarship Recipient, Corning Museum of Glass, NY, USA
-Half Scholarship Recipient, Pittsburgh Glass Center, PA, USA
-Half Scholarship Recipient, Pilchuck Glass School, WA, USA
-Selected Work, Featured in 3rd Juried Digital Catalogue, GAS Int'l Online Student Exhibition
-Finalist in Student, NICHE Awards
-Full Scholarship RIT recipient, Corning Museum of Glass, NY, USA
-Finalist in Student, NICHE Awards
-Full Scholarship Recipient, Corning Museum of Glass, NY, USA
-Half Scholarship Recipient, Pittsburgh Glass Center, PA, USA
-Award for Artist of the year in Craft Trend Fair, Korea Craft & Design Foundation, Korea
-공예트렌드페어(Craft Trend Fair):올해의 작가_한국공예디자인문화진흥원 원장상
-Second Prize, The 8th Haengju Craft & Design Award, South Korea
-제17회 행주공예디자인대전: 우수상
-Participation award, The 1st Gyeonggi Int'l CERAMIX Biennale Glass Sculpture Contest, Korea
제6회 경기도 세계도자비엔날래 세라믹스 유리조형 공모전: 장려상
-Honorable Mentions, The 7th Cheongju International Craft Competition, Korea
-Second Prize in Craft field, The 29th Korea Art Competition, Korea
제29회 대한민국미술대전: 우수상
-Gold Prize, Bell Art & Design Award, Korea
제1회 Bell Art & Design Award: 금상
-Honorable Mentions, Cheongju Craft & Cultural Goods Competition, Korea
-Silver Prize, The 5th Cheongju International Craft Competition, Korea
제5회 청주국제공예비엔날레: 은상
-Special Prize, The 8th Korea Craft Competition, Korea
제8회 익산 한국공예대전: 특별상
-Present of University Prize, Hongik University, Korea
홍익대학교 총장상 표창
Solo Exhibitions
2024 Shinsegae Duty Free 신세계면세점 본점, Seoul
2022 'An Archive of 21st Century Beauty', Gallery Sklo, Seoul
2021 'Treasure Your Inner Beauty', Crafts On The Hill Gallery, Seoul
2020 ‘Another Materiality of glass’, KCDF Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2019 'A Relic of The Early 21st Century', KCDF Window Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2018 'How would you define yourself?' 압구정 Black Tom n Toms Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2017 'Fill the glass', 아름다운차박물관, Seoul, Korea
2017 ‘Get Pretty’, 갤러리이즈, Seoul, Korea
2016 ‘Get Pretty’, Dyer Art Center, Rochester, NY, USA
2010 ‘Emerging Artist from Topos’, 토포하우스갤러리, Seoul, Korea
Selected group Exhibitions
- <Ready Made>, Hongik Museum of Art, Seoul
- KIAF(Korea Int’l Art Fair), Gallery Sklo, Coex hall, Seoul
- <CONNECTED: The Language of Objects>, Gallery Sklo, Seoul
- <Black May>, Hohojae, Seoul
- Galleries Art Fair, Coex hall, Seoul
- COLLECT Art Fair, Somerset House, London, UK
- <The Great Gatsby 위대한 개츠비>, K현대미술관, Seoul
- <한국 현대 공예의 어제와 오늘> (사)한국공예가협회 창립50주년, 예술의 전당 한가람미술관, Seoul
- International Art & Design Exhibition, Chungju Univ. Chungseok Gallery, Chungju
- KIAF(Korea Int’l Art Fair), Gallery Sklo, Coex hall, Seoul
- Dialogue 2023 우수 전속작가제 - 차세대 유망작가 기획전시, Sungsu Plantlance showroom, Seoul
- Galleries Art Fair, Coex hall, Seoul
- Bullseye projects <Tg: Transitions in Kiln-Glass>, Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, TX, USA
- COLLECT Art Fair, London, UK
- Bullseye projects <Tg: Transitions in Kiln-Glass>, Pittsburgh Glass Center, PA, USA
- Craft Trend Fair, 브랜드관-홍유, Coex hall, Seoul
- KIAF(Korea International Art Fair), Coex hall, Seoul
- <Expanding Horizons> International Festival of Glass, Glasshouse Arts and Heritage Centre, UK
- <Breaking Boundaries>, Gallery Sklo, Seoul
- Galleries Art Fair 화랑미술제, Setec, Seoul
- Bullseye projects <Tg: Transitions in Kiln-Glass>, Bellevue Arts Museum, WA, USA
- COLLECT Art Fair, London, UK / Online at Artsy.net
- <The Human Spirit: Propositions on Resilience in these Irregular Times: a virtual Indo-Korean Ceramic and Glass exhibition>, Inko centre, Chennai, India
- <Craft.Design Studio>, International Art & Design Exhibition (사)한국조형디자인협회 국제조형디자인전, Seoul
- Craft Trend Fair, 브랜드관-홍유, Coex hall, Seoul
- KIAF(Korea International Art Fair), Coex hall, Seoul
- <한국현대공예청년작가전 공예주간> (주최/주관. 문체부/KCDF,한국공예가협회), Apollon gallery, Gyeonggi-do
- Glass Art Society(GAS) conference GAS member exhibition CONNECTIONS, USA
- The 39th Galleries Art Fair 화랑미술제, Coex hall-c, Seoul
- Craft Trend Fair, 브랜드관-홍유, Coex hall, Seoul
- <From matter To object>, BKID, Seoul
- <Glass Flex>, Gallery Sklo, Seoul
- <Evolution in Korean Contemporary Glass 2020>, Shinsegae department, Chungcheong
- Craft Trend Fair, 한국전통문화전당부스관, Coex Hall, Seoul, Korea
- 'R & living, Gallery Royal, Seoul, Korea
- 'Future by hands’, Int’l Symposium Art&Design Invitation Exhibition, Ewha University, Seoul, Korea
- 전통문화창의명품육성사업 '혼수' Preview-2, KCDF Gallery 2F, Seoul, Korea (주최/주관. 문화체육관광부/한국전통문화전당)
- 전통문화창의명품육성사업 '혼수' Preview-1, 전주공예품전시관 전시2관, Jeonju, Korea (주최/주관. 문화체육관광부/한국전통문화전당)
- '2019 Becoming a Collector', 연희동 Art Fair, 카페보스토크, Seoul, Korea
- 'Meet the hot glass', 한국공예관, Cheongju, Korea
- ‘삼척시 도계유리나라 개관 2주년 특별전’, 도계유리나라, Gangwon-do, Korea
- ‘2019 Contemporary Crasign invitation Exhibition’, Hyundae museum in Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Material World’, Hodge gallery, Pittsburgh Glass Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- 'Similarity and Difference’, Int'l Art & Design Invitation Exhibition, Burapha University, Thailand
- 홍익대학교 일반대학원 도예과 동문회전 ‘Missing Link’, Hongik University Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
- '本전', 서울디자인재단 마포공예지원센터 전시관, sangsu-dong, Seoul, Korea
- Craft Trend Fair, 기획전시관, 삼성동 Coex Hall, Seoul, Korea
- The Korea Association of Art&Design ‘Int’l Symposium Art&Design Invitation Exhibition, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
- '工藝-興_The 45th Korean Craft Council Exhibition, 금보성아트센터, Seoul, Korea
- 'Glass Tableware Exhibition_유리그릇전', 한향림 갤러리, 경기도 헤이리, Korea
- 'Glass with Ceramics' Korea-Japan Exchange CeraMIX Workshop, 이천세라믹스창조공방, Korea
- 홍익대학교 도예유리과 동문전시 '도작가', I-ang gallery, Seoul, Korea
- 'Glass House', 한국공예디자인문화진흥원 KCDF, Seoul, Korea
- 인사아트프라자갤러리공모전, Insa art plaza gallery, 인사동, Seoul, Korea
- 홍익대학교 일반대학원 동문전시 Missing link, 홍익대학교 현대미술관, Seoul, Korea
- Craft Trend Fair, 브랜드관-홍유, Coex Hall-A, Seoul, Korea
- The Korea Association of Art & Design Int'l Art & Design Invitation Exhibition, 남서울대학교 지식정보관, Cheonan, Korea
- 메종&오브제 파리 (Maison & Objet Paris), Paris Nord-Villepinte, Paris, France
- 'Elephant Art Fair (Art & Goods), 상수동, Seoul, Korea
- 서울디자인재단 공예박람회 '은밀한 공예'-서울공예상공모전 수상전시, DDP 알림터, Seoul, Korea
- 제44회 한국공예가협회전 <동행 (同行)-합(合), 금보성아트센터 전관, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Artkudos 2017’, International Juried Art Competition and Exhibition, USA
- ‘Art in Craft Media 2017’, Burchfield Penney Art Center, SUNY Buffalo State, NY, USA
- ‘The Glass A to Z’, 퍼스트아이콘 gallery booth, Handmade Korea, COEX Hall, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Fashion of Craft_패션오브크라프트’, DDP(Dongdaemoon Design Plaza) 살림터 1F, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Glass Craft_유리공예전’, 산울림art & craft gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Fragile Fashion’ gallery exhibition, Glass Axis gallery, Columbus, OH, USA
- A national juried exhibition of ‘Small works 2016', Main street arts gallery, Clifton Springs, NY, USA
- '7th annual WLAS, open house', Studio 34 creative arts and gallery, Rochester, NY, USA
- ‘Emerge/Evolve 2016’, Bullseye Project, Portland, OR, USA
- ‘FORCES AT WORK’, Gallery r, Rochester, NY, USA
- ‘Annual School for American Crafts Walkthrough’, RIT, Rochester, NY, USA
- GAS (Glass Art Society) International Student Exhibition, Corning, NY, USA
- ‘DELVING IN: Research, Scholarship & Creativity’, Gallery r, Rochester, NY, USA
- ‘NICHE AWARDS’, Washington DC, USA
- ‘2015 International Student Online Exhibition’, Featured in Juried Digital Catalogue of Glass Art Society, WA, USA
- ‘ART in CRAFT MEDIA 2015’, Burchfield Penny Art Center, Buffalo, NY, USA
- ‘Annual School for American Crafts Walkthrough’, Booth hall, Bldg 7A, RIT, Rochester, NY, USA
- ‘INVISIBILIA’, 1975 Gallery, Rochester, NY, USA
- 'Great Expectations', Gallery r, Rochester, NY, USA
- ‘Annual School for American Crafts Walkthrough’, Booth hall, Bldg 7A, RIT, Rochester, NY, USA
- GAS (Glass Art Society) ) International Student Exhibition, Chicago, IL, USA
- 3rd Annual Juried Graduate Student Exhibition ‘Convergence 2014’, University Gallery, Rochester, NY, USA
- ‘Korea Contemporary Glass Exhibition’, Daebu-do Glass Island, Gyeonggido, Korea
- 'International Ceramics & Glass by 44 Artists', Maga museum, Gyeonggido, Korea
- ‘Adieu 2011 special project Exhibition-Dream Light 7’, R.MUTT Gallery cafe, Chuncheon MBC, Korea
- ‘The 38th Korea Craft Council’, Cheongju Cultural Industry Park 1F, Convention Hall, Cheongju, Korea
- ‘The 7th Cheongju Craft&Cultural Goods Competition Exhibit-유용지물(有用之物)’, Cheongju, Korea
- ‘1st Gyeong-gi Int'l CERAMIX Biennale Glass Sculpture Contest Exhibit’, Icheon, Gyeonggido, Korea
- ‘Glassware’, Yido Gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘The 1st Art Glass invitation Exhibit’, Gallery Chapeaux, JeonJu, Korea
- ‘The Glass Art Society international exhibition’, Sheraton Hotel, Seattle, USA
- ‘手作傑多_Colorful Designs’, Design The Gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Contemporary Living Arts Exhibition’, Cola gallery, Seoul, Korea
- The 37th Korean Craft Council ‘만듦에 관한 素考(소고)’, Hanjeon gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Cheongju Craft & Cultural Goods Competition’, Cheongju, Korea
- ‘Where the Glass Breathe’, i-yang gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘The 29th Society of Contemporary Craft Artists’, i-yang gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Glass Festival’, Mokkumto gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘LOVE+ in the passage’, Hyundae Depart., gallery H, Seoul, Korea
- ‘GlasswareⅡ-Multi Color Stripe’, Yido gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘투명한 정원’, Only Art & Craft gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Thousand Ornaments’, Nefspace, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Cheongju Int’l Craft Biennale Craft Project’, Shinyoung gwellcity Culture Museum, Cheongju, Korea
- ‘Asia new generation communion exhibition’, Aichi, Ceramic museum, Japan
- ‘Twinkle Twinkle Exhibition’, Tong-in Gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Craft trend fair Life Art Exhibition Lighting’, COEX Hall, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Ceramic & Glass Exhibition, Hong-ik University Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Crafty Arty Party!’, Korea Craft Promotion Foundation, Seoul, Korea
- Exhibition, KT&G Sangsang madang Art Square, Seoul, Korea
- Ceramic & Glass Exhibition, Gallery i-yang, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Craft Fair’, BMH design gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Furniture Fair’, BMH design gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘manymini funstore’, Gana Art Space, Insa-dong, Seoul, Korea
- Ceramic & Glass Exhibition, Hong-ik University Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
- ‘1,000 Glass Cups’ 2007 International Craft Trend Fair, COEX, Seoul, Korea
- ‘We need more-Light, craft, furniture’, KT&G Sangsang madang Art Square, Seoul, Korea
- ‘光(Light) Glass works’, Vit gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Supermarket’ Craft Exhibition, BMH design gallery, Seoul, Korea
- ‘Light of shadow project 2007’ Light Exhibition, BMH design gallery, Seoul, Korea
- 'Love Korean Crafts', Shinhan Investment Corp., Yeouido, Seoul, Korea
Craft Trend Fair/solo booth 창작공방관 참가
2011 Craft Trend Fair- Creator 100, Coex Hall, Seoul, Korea
2010 Craft Trend Fair- Creator 100, Coex Hall, Seoul, Korea
2009 Craft Trend Fair- Creator 100, Coex Hall, Seoul, Korea
Master's thesis 석사논문
2016 Glass department. Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, USA
2009 Ceramics and Glass department. Graduate School of Hongik University, Seoul
Scholarly Paper 논문
2023 학술등재지 조형디자인연구 26-3_유리의 불투명성을 활용한 유리조형 연구 / 논문게재
2020 학술등재지 조형디자인연구 23-2_유리 가마성형기법을 활용한 잔 디자인연구 / 논문게재
2019 (사)한국조형디자인협회 2019 국제학술대회_손으로 미래읽기 Future by hands / 학술논문발표
2017 (사)한국조형디자인협회 2017 국제학술대회_21세기의 Makers movement / 학술논문발표
2012 (사)한국조형디자인협회 2012 춘계학술대회_조형디자인 작품논문 활성화 방안 / 학술논문발표
2010 (사)한국조형디자인협회 2010 추계학술대회_컨버전스시대의 문화산업과 조형디자인 / 학술논문발표
2024 하이트진로 & 홍익대학교 산업미술대학원 산학협력사업 선임연구원 (하이트진로 브랜드디자인 개발연구)
2023 하이트진로 & 홍익대학교 산업미술대학원 산학협력사업 선임연구원 (하이트진로 브랜드디자인 개발연구)
2022 하이트진로 & 홍익대학교 산업미술대학원 산학협력사업 선임연구원 (하이트진로 브랜드디자인 개발연구)
2021 하이트진로 & 홍익대학교 산업미술대학원 산학협력사업 선임연구원 (하이트진로 브랜드디자인 개발연구)
2020 하이트진로 & 홍익대학교 산업미술대학원 산학협력사업 선임연구원 (하이트진로 브랜드디자인 개발연구)
2018 한국공예디자인문화진흥원 & 홍익대학교 산학협력사업 행정실무 (대학생 대상 공예디자인교육)
2011 삼성전자 & 홍익대학교 산학협력사업 보조연구원 (전자제품의 유리장식물 디자인을 위한 Art Glass 선행연구)
Certificate of Design Registration
2020 디자인등록 음료용 잔 garanggarang 3steps shotglass
Glass Art Society membership
The Korea Association of Art & Design (사)한국조형디자인협회 이사/ 대외협력위원
Korean Crafts Council (사)한국공예가협회 정회원
Ruskin Glass Collection, UK
Total Museum, Seoul, Korea
Cheongju Int'l Craft Biennale, Cheongju, Korea
Dogye Glass World, Samcheok, Korea